Chunsheng Wang, Professor
Robert Franklin and Frances Riggs Wright Distinguished Chair
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Affiliated with the Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Co-founder and UMD Director of Center for Research in Extreme Batteries (CREB), a University of Maryland and US Army Research Laboratory joint battery center.
Co-founder: WH Power
Associate Editor: ACS Applied Energy Materials (2017-present)
Advisory Board Member: Energy & Environmental Materials
Room 3236 Jeong H. Kim Engineering Building
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
Phone: 301-405-0352 | Fax: 301-405-0523
Ph. D. Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, China, 1995
Research interests and Professional Skills
Li-ion batteries, Na-ion batteries, supercapacitors, and fuel cells
Nanostructured materials
Recognitions and Awards
2021: Battery Division Research Award, The Electrochemical Society
2021 and 2015; UMD invention of the Year (twice)
2020: Top 10 Battery Researchers to Watch, The Electrochemical Society.
2020, 2019, 2018: Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers
2020: University of Maryland Extremary Researcher
2013: A. James Clark School of Engineering Junior Faculty Outstanding Research Award, University of Maryland
Representative Publications (as a corresponding author)
Click on the Researcher ID or Google Scholar to view all publications, citations, and H-index
S. Hou, X. Ji, K. Gaskell, P. Wang, L. Wang, J. Xu, R. Sun, O. Borodin, C. Wang, Solvation Sheath Reorganization Enabled Divalent Metal Batteries with Fast Interfacial Charge Transfer Kinetics, Science, 2021, 374, 172-178.
W. Sun, F. Wang, B. Zhang, M. Zhang, V. Kupers, X. Ji, C. Theile, P. Bieker, K. Xu, C. Wang, M. Winter, A rechargeable zinc-air battery based on zinc peroxide chemistry. Science, 2021, 371, 46-51.
L. Suo, O. Borodin, T. Gao, M. Olguin, J. Ho, X. Fan, C. Luo, C. Wang, K. Xu. Water-in-Salt Electrolyte Enables High Voltage Aqueous Li-ion Chemistries. Science, 2015, 350, 938. Perspective from Prof. Bruce Dunn.
D. Lu, R. Li, M. M. Rahman, P. Yu, L. Lv, S. Yang, Y. Huang, C. Sun, S. Zhang, H. Zhang, J. Zhang, X. Xiao, T. Deng, L. Fan, L. Chen, J. Wang, E. Hu, C. Wang, X. Fan, Ligand-channel-enabled ultrafast Li-ion conduction, Nature, 627(8002), 2024, 101-107.
H. Wan, Z. Wang, W. Zhang, X. He, C. Wang, Interface design for all-solid-state lithium batteries, Nature, 263(7988), 2023, 739-744.
J. Xu, J. Zhang, T. P. Pollard, Q. Li, S. Tan, S. Hou, H. Wan, F. Chen, H. He, E. Hu, K. Xu, X.-Q. Yang, O. Borodin, C. Wang, Electrolyte design for Li-ion batteries under extreme operating conditions, Nature, 614(7949), 2023, 694-700.
C. Yang, J. Chen, X. Ji, T. P. Pollard, X. Lü, C. Sun, S. Hou, Q. Liu, C. Liu, T. Qing, Y. Wang, O. Borodin, Y. Ren, K. Xu, C. Wang, Aqueous Li-ion Battery Enabled by Halogen Conversion-Intercalation Chemistry in Graphite, Nature, 2019, 569, 245.
A.-M. Li, Z. Wang, T. Lee, N. Zhang, T. Liu, W. Zhang, C. Jayawardana, M. Yeddala, B. L. Lucht, C. Wang, Asymmetric electrolyte design for high-energy lithium-ion batteries with micro-sized alloying anodes, Nature Energy, 2024, 9, 1551–1560.
W. Zhang, V. koverga, S. Liu, J. Zhou, J. Wang, P. Bai, S. Tan, N. K. Dandu, Z. Wang, F. Chen, J. Xia, H. Wan, X. Zhang, H. Yang, B. L. Lucht, A.-M. Li, X.-Q. Yang, E. Hu, S. R. Raghavan, A. T. Ngo, C. Wang, Single-phase local-high-concentration solid polymer electrolytes for lithium-metal batteries, Nature Energy, 9(4), 2024, 386-400
Z. Wang, J. Xia, X. Ji, Y. Liu, J. Zhang, X. He, W. Zhang, H. Wan, C. Wang, Lithium anode interlayer design for all-solid-sate lithium-metal batteries, Nature Energy, 9(3), 2024, 251-262.
H. Wan, Z. Wang, S. Liu, B. Zhang, X. He, W. Zhang, C. Wang, Critical interphase overpotential as a lithium dendrite-suppression criterion for all-solid-state lithium battery design, Nature Energy, 8(5), 2023, 473-481. Research Briefing.
J. Xu, X. Ji, J. Zhang, C. Yang, P. Wang, S. Liu, K. Ludwig, F. Chen, P. Kofinas, C. Wang, Aqueous electrolyte design for super-stable 2.5V LiMn2O4||Li4Ti5O12 pouch cells, Nature Energy, 2022. 7, 186-193.
J. Chen, X. Fan, Q. Li, H. Yang, M.R. Khoshi, Y. Xu, S. Hwang, L. Chen, X. Ji, C. Yang, H. He, C. Wang, E. Garfunkel, D. Su, O. Borodin, C. Wang, Electrolyte Design for LiF-rich Solid-Electrolyte Interfaces to Enable High-performance Microsized Alloy Anodes for Batteries. Nature Energy, 2020, 5, 386–397.
X. Fan, X. Ji, L. Chen, J. Chen, T. Deng, F. Han, J. Yue, N. Piao, R. Wang, X. Zhou, X. Xiao, L. Chen, C. Wang, All-temperature batteries enabled by fluorinated electrolytes with non-polar solvents, Nature Energy, 2019, 4, 882.
F. Han, A. Westover, J. Yue, X. Fan, F. Wang, M. Chi, D. Leonard, N. Dudney, H. Wang, C. Wang, High Electronic conductivity as the origin of lithium dendrite formation within solid electrolytes, Nature Energy, 2019, 4, 187-196.
A.-M. Li, O. Borodin, T. P. Pollard, W. Zhang, N. Zhang, S. Tan, F. Chen, C. Jayawardana, B. L. Lucht, E. Hu, X.-Q. Yang, C. Wang, Methylation enables the use of fluorine-free ether electrolytes in high-voltage lithium metal batteries, Nature Chemistry, 16(6), 2024, 922-929.
L. Wang, A. Menakath, F. Han, Y. Wang, P. Zavalij, K. Gaskell, O. Borodin, D. Luga, S. Brown, C. Wang, K. Xu, B. Eichhorn, Identifying the components of the solid–electrolyte interphase in Li-ion Batteries, Nature Chemistry, 2019, 11, 789.
T. Deng, X. Ji, L. Zou, O. Chiekezi, L. Cao, X. Fan, T. R. Adebisi, H-J. Chang, H. Wang, B. Li, X. Li, C. Wang, D. Reed, J-G. Zhang, V. L. Sprenkle, C. Wang, X. Lu Interfacial-engineering-enabled practical low-temperature sodium metal battery, Nature Nanotechnology, 2021, 17, 269-277.
L. Cao, D. Li, T. Pollard, T. Deng, B. Zhang, C. Yang, L. Chen, J. Vatamanu, E. Hu, M. J. Hourwitz, L. Ma, M. Ding, Q. Li, S. Hou, K. Gaskell, J. T. Fourkas, X-Q. Yang, K. Xu, O. Borodin, C. Wang, Fluorinated interphase enables reversible aqueous zinc battery chemistries, Nature Nanotechnology, 2021,1730.
X. Fan, L. Chen, O. Borodin, X. Ji, J. Chen, S. Hou, T. Deng, J. Zheng, C. Yang, S. Liou, K. Amine, K. Xu, C. Wang, Non-flammable Electrolyte Enables Li-Metal Batteries with Aggressive Cathode Chemistries, Nature Nanotechnology, 2018, 13, 715-722.
F. Wang, O. Borodin, T. Gao, X. Fan, W. Sun, F. Han, A. Faraone, J. Dura, K. Xu and C. Wang, Highly Reversible Zinc-Metal Anode for Aqueous Batteries, Nature Materials, 2018, 17, 543-549.
C. Yang, J. Xia, C. Cui, T. P. Pollard, J. Vatamanu, A. Faraone, J. A. Dura, M. Tyagi, A. Kattan, E. Thimsen, J. Xu, W. Song, E. Hu, X. Ji, S. Hou, X. Zhang, M. S. Ding, S. Hwang, D. Su, Y. Ren, X.-Q. Yang, H. Wang, O. Borodin, C. Wang, All-temperature zinc batteries with high-entropy aqueous electrolyte, Nature Sustainability, 6(3), 2023. 325-335.
H. Wan, J. Xu, C. Wang, Designing electrolytes and interphases for high-energy lithium batteries, Nature reviews chemistry, 8(1), 2024, 30-44.
L. Cao, F. A. Soto, D. Li, T. Deng, E. Hu, X. Lu, D. A. Cullen, N. Eidson, X.-Q. Yang, K. He, P. B. Balbuena, C. Wang, Pd-Ru pair on Pt surface for promoting hydrogen oxidation and evolution in alkaline media, Nature Communications, 15(1), 2024, 7245.
A.-M. Li, Z. Wang, T. P. Pollard, W. Zhang, S. Tan, T. Liu, C. Jayawardana, S.-C. Liou, J. Rao, B. L. Lucht, E. Hu, X.-Q. Yang, O. Borodin, C. Wang, High voltage electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries with micro-sized silicon anodes, Nature Communications, 15(1), 2024, 1206.
S. Hou, L. Chen, X. Fan, X. Fan, X. Ji, B. Wang, C. Cui, J. Chen, C. Yang, W. Wang, C. Li, C. Wang, High-energy and low-cost membrane-free chlorine flow battery, Nature Communications, 2022. 13:1281
L. Chen, L. Cao, X. Ji, S. Hou, Q. Li, J. Chen, C. Yang, N. Edison, C. Wang, Enabling Safe Aqueous Lithium-ion Open Batteries by Suppressing the Oxygen Reduction Reaction. Nature Communications, 2020, 11, 1-8.
X. Fan, E. Hu, X. Ji, Y. Zhu, F. Han, S. Hwang, J. Liu, S. Bak, Z. Ma, T. Gao, S. C. Liou, J. Bai, X-Q. Yang, Y. Mo, K. Xu, D. Su, C. Wang, High Energy-Density and Reversibility of Iron Fluoride Cathode Enabled Via an Intercalation-Extrusion Reaction, Nature Communications, 2018, 9, 1-12.
Y. Wen, K. He, Y. Zhu, F. Han, Y. Xu, I. Matsuda, Y. Ishii, J Cumings, and C. Wang. Expanded Graphite as Superior Anode for Sodium-Ion Batteries. Nature Communications, 2014, 5, 4033.
X. Fan, X. Ji, F. Han, J. Yue, J. Chen, L. Chen, T. Deng, J. Jiang, C. Wang, Fluorinated solid electrolyte interphase enables highly reversible solid-state Li metal battery, Science Advances, 2018, 4, eaau9245.
C. Luo, E. Hu, K. J. Gaskell, X. Fan, T. Gao, C. Cui, S. Ghose, X-Q. Yang, C. Wang, A Chemically Stabilized Sulfur Cathode for Lean Electrolyte Lithium Sulfur Batteries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020, 117, 14712- 14720.
C. Luo, O. Borodin X. Ji, S. Hou, K.J. Gaskell, X. Fan, J. Chen, T. Deng, R. Wang, J. Jiang, C. Wang, Azo compounds as a family of organic electrode materials for alkali-ion batteries, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018, 115, 2004-2009.
C. Yang, L. Suo, O. Borodin, F. Wang, W. Sun, T. Gao, X. Fan, S. Hou, Z. Ma, K. l Amine, K. Xu, and C. Wang, Unique Aqueous Li-ion/Sulfur Chemistry with High Energy Density, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2017,114, 6197–6202.